Man jogging along a bridge


If you’re a man in your 40s or older who struggles with urinary dysfunction, don’t be embarrassed to talk to your doctor about it. In most cases, urinary problems in men are not associated with cancer and can be treated successfully without surgery or hospitalization.

Most urinary issues men face as they get older are due to a hormone imbalance, which leads to enlargement of the prostate gland, a small reproductive organ found at the base of the bladder. An enlarged prostate, or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), can squeeze or pinch the urethra, place pressure on the urinary system, and cause plenty of unpleasant symptoms. Men can have trouble with fully emptying the bladder, voiding, or resisting the urge to urinate. 

If you or a loved one is suffering from any kind of urinary problem, don’t delay talking to a doctor or specialist about treatment options because issues like Low Testosterone (Low T) and BPH can become more disruptive with time.

Low T leads to urinary problems

Testosterone, the primary reproductive hormone in men, affects everything from their brain to their prostate gland. When a man has Low T, his problems can range from low sex drive to trouble sleeping, frequent urination, mood swings, and depression. Often, men don’t realize they’re suffering from a hormone imbalance until they experience disruptive symptoms like waking up frequently during the night to urinate. Additional urinary problems resulting from Low T may include:

  • Voiding more often throughout the day
  • Urinary urgency
  • The urine stream is slow to start
  • Urine dribbling for some time after voiding
  • A sensation that the bladder isn’t fully emptied after voiding
  • A lack of force to the urine flow
  • Urinary incontinence

Treatment for urinary problems in men

Getting your hormones tested and balancing any abnormal levels with safe, effective testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)  can give you welcome relief from several painful or annoying urinary problems. The skilled specialists at SynergenX offer a unique approach to testosterone replacement, with individualized treatment backed by specialized focus and carefully designed for maximum safety and optimal results. Additional benefits of TRT include:

  • Improved sexual desire
  • Increased muscle mass and strength
  • Decreased body fat
  • Improved mood and confidence
  • Increased energy levels
  • Better sleep quality
  • Improved cognitive ability and brain function

What is TRT, and is it safe?

Testosterone replacement therapy is a safe and effective medical treatment in which additional testosterone is added to a man’s body to increase the concentration of testosterone in his body. Testosterone injections work well for most men. 

At SynergenX, we continually monitor and evaluate your testosterone levels and tailor your dose to your individual needs and vary it as needed so you can enjoy optimal testosterone levels and all the benefits that come with it.

If you’re suffering from disruptive, painful, or annoying urinary problems, take the first step toward taking your life back from Low T. Call SynergenX at 888.219.7259 or fill out an online form to schedule an appointment and come in for a low-cost, Low T test. Our skilled specialists will perform a comprehensive men’s health assessment to understand your medical history as well as a blood test to determine the amount of testosterone in your body. We look forward to helping you overcome your urinary problems so you can get back to enjoying your life.

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