Man and woman walking together holding hands

Frequently Asked Questions about Low T in Men

If you have questions about Low T in men, we have answers. Here are the most frequently asked questions about Low Testosterone in males. If you don’t see your questions answered on this page, please give us a call at 888.219.7259. We’ll be happy to talk to you about diagnoses, tests, and hormone replacement therapy. 

  1. What is testosterone? 

Testosterone is a male sex hormone that is produced mainly in the testicles. It is responsible for maintaining your sex drive, sperm production, red blood cell production, facial and body hair, muscle strength and mass, fat distribution, and bone density. 

  1. What is Low T in men? 

Low T in men refers to lower than average testosterone levels in the body. Low T is defined as blood levels less than 350 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). 

When levels drop below normal levels, you can experience various symptoms. 

  1. What are normal levels of testosterone?

Men exhibit a wide range of testosterone levels. A normal baseline level is between 350 and 1,000 (ng/dL). However, hormone production levels vary based on the time of day, age, and other factors. 

In general, testosterone production in men peaks around age 18 or 19. Then, it gradually declines as you age. Men usually experience a 1% drop a year starting at the age of 30. 

  1. What is hypogonadism?

Male hypogonadism is a medical condition that refers to when the body doesn’t produce enough testosterone. Men can be born with hypogonadism or develop the condition later in life. There are many causes for this condition, including underlying health conditions, injuries, medications, obesity, and normal aging. 

Replacement therapy is a good option for diagnosed deficiency.

  1. What happens if you have Low T?

When the male body doesn’t produce enough testosterone, it experiences a wide range of side effects and symptoms. Depending on when they are diagnosed with Low T, the condition can affect the development of external sex organs and development during puberty. In adulthood, men with low levels can experience signs and symptoms such as decreased sex drive, decreased energy, and depression. 

  1. What causes Low T in men?

There are many causes of Low T in men. Some are hereditary, while others can develop over time. The leading causes of this hormone deficiency in men include primary and secondary types of hypogonadism.  You can also lower testosterone in men by using certain medications, being overweight, and malnutrition.  

  1. Is it dangerous for a man to have Low Testosterone?

Low hormone levels in men can be dangerous due to the long-term effects on the body. In adult males, risks of Low T in men include enlarged male breasts, infertility, erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis, and a poor self-image. 

  1. Is it unhealthy to have Low Testosterone?

Low T levels in men can cause signs and symptoms that decrease your quality of life and health. These include changes in sexual function and desire, physical changes, and emotional changes such as depression, trouble concentrating, and memory issues. 

  1. What are the signs of Low Testosterone in a man?

Some of the early signs of Low T in men include reduced sex drive, reduced energy, lack of focus, and depression. Some symptoms that develop over time include loss of bone mass, decreased muscle mass, reduced hair growth on the face and body, infertility, and erectile dysfunction. 

  1. What are the types of Low Testosterone treatments?

Hormone replacement therapy is available for men with low hormone levels. There are many types of replacement therapies, including gel solutions, injections, patches, nasal gels, and implantable pellets. At SynergenX, we provide the most effective method of TRT, injection therapy to treat Low T in men. 

  1. What is the best treatment for Low T?

Testosterone replacement therapy is an effective treatment for Low T in men. It can help reverse the effects of hypogonadism. At SynergenX, we provide testosterone injections to restore your hormone levels. We offer variable dosing tailored to your individual needs and provide regular monitoring.

If you have signs and symptoms of deficiency, you can have your blood drawn to verify the diagnosis. At SynergenX, we provide proper blood tests to diagnose your levels and provide you with the best treatment option based on your medical history, lifestyle, and body.

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