Man in a helmet on a bicycle in the woods


Have you noticed a recent shift in your body composition? Are workouts taking longer than usual to achieve the same results? Do you feel more sluggish throughout the day? If you’re over 24 years old, you could be experiencing the negative effects of Low Testosterone. Testosterone is a male hormone that, among other things, supports muscle mass, muscle growth and energy.  

Testosterone levels naturally rise and fall throughout the day and are affected by things like body mass index (BMI), nutrition, alcohol consumption, certain medications, age and illness. As a man ages, it is normal for the testosterone in his body to gradually decline. As testosterone, declines, men are more likely to experience unwanted weight gain, particularly in the abdomen, as well as muscle loss and decreased energy.

The connection between Low T and reduced physical performance

According to the National Institutes of Health, optimal testosterone levels may promote physical performance, not only through its long-term anabolic actions (e.g., growth and mineralization of bone and increases in muscle mass) but also through its effects on behavior. When men have normal levels of testosterone, they can burn fat more efficiently and are more likely to exhibit competitive behaviors that encourage increased physical performance.

Testosterone is a powerful anabolic (muscle building) hormone, which means it helps build lean muscle mass, bone mass and strength particularly in areas that have the most androgenic receptors. These receptors are essential in the exercise-induced increase of muscle mass.

Testosterone and other closely related hormones like dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and androstenedione (ASD) are called androgens. Androgens work by entering a cell (e.g., muscle, bone, blood, nerve, etc.) and interacting with and activating the androgen receptor (AR) protein inside it, which can increase both muscle mass and strength. 

When a male has lower levels of testosterone, he will be unable to activate these receptors sufficiently. This will lead to symptoms that affect his physical performance like:

  • Loss of muscular strength
  • Increased body fat
  • Fatigue
  • Moodiness and irritability
  • Decreased sense of well-being

There is some evidence that suggests intense, heavy weight training may increase testosterone levels temporarily and is most effective when done in the evening. The most effective exercises are those that work different muscle groups at the same time, like squats and deadlifts. However, if you think you’re struggling with the effects of Low Testosterone, don’t go overboard at the gym. Even workouts that involve a high level of intensity are not likely enough to make you change the way you feel if you suffer from Low Testosterone. Exercise is stress on the body, and too much of it can negatively impact your testosterone levels as well. 

If you feel constantly sore, can’t recover from workouts, or see decreases in your physical performance, you may be overtraining whether you have Low T or not. Regular exercise is still important and can offer many other benefits, including:

  • Improved heart health
  • Weight management
  • Protection from chronic disease

Restore physical performance with testosterone replacement therapy 

If you’re experiencing symptoms of sleep disruption, low libido and depressed mood along with a decrease in muscle mass, talk to an expert at SynergenX to learn how testosterone replacement therapy can help safely restore your testosterone levels so you can feel like yourself again.

With close monitoring and careful dosing, testosterone replacement therapy can help restore the body’s testosterone levels to normal, healthy ranges. TRT is administered by a medical professional for the purpose of restoring hormone levels that have become imbalanced and to improve moderate to severe symptoms associated with Low T. Some benefits of TRT include:

  • Decreased body fat
  • Increased muscle mass and strength
  • Increased energy levels throughout the day 
  • Increased confidence and a more positive mood
  • Improved ability to handle stress
  • Improved brain function and cognitive ability
  • Decreased “bad” cholesterol (LDL) levels
  • Improved sexual desire

Is testosterone replacement therapy safe?

As with any medication or therapy, there are manageable risks involved. To find out if you have Low Testosterone, the medical professionals at SynergenX will perform a comprehensive evaluation, including blood tests, to confirm whether Low T is the root cause of your symptoms. If your blood tests come back normal, TRT will not help alleviate your symptoms. In fact, taking testosterone when you already have adequate levels can exacerbate health issues. 

If blood tests confirm Low T and reduced physical performance has been a concern, TRT can help rebalance your hormones and alleviate your symptoms. Our experienced healthcare professionals will closely monitor your treatment and progress to ensure your safety as well as the optimal response to therapy. Possible side effects of TRT include:

  • Acne or oily skin
  • Swelling in the ankles caused by mild fluid retention
  • Stimulation of the prostate, which can cause difficulty urinating
  • Worsening of sleep apnea
  • Smaller testicles

The specialist providers at SynergenX are able to provide a variety of solutions to combat and eliminate these side effects.

If you believe you’re struggling with Low T and reduced physical performance is a concern, call SynergenX at 888.219.7259 to schedule an appointment, or fill out our online form. We can confirm your diagnosis and provide safe, effective testosterone replacement therapy to help restore your testosterone levels. Are you ready to feel like yourself again?

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