Woman leaning to the side smiling

Hormonal Imbalance and Hair Loss

Hair loss isn’t just an issue for men. Many women experience hair loss, thinning, and breakage as well. It can happen for a variety of reasons and can affect any hair type. Hair loss can be triggered by stress, thyroid issues, weight loss, environmental factors, or changes in hormone levels. The good news is, hair loss in women can almost always be treated with safe, effective medications.

Can hormonal imbalance cause hair loss?

Yes, hormonal imbalance can cause hair loss in women. In fact, hormones are the most common cause of hair loss for women and men. There are various hormonal-related causes for hair loss in women, including Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), menopause, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism.  Women may also worry about more severe causes for hair loss, such as an autoimmune disease or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). 

Thick, healthy hair is a sign of good health, youth, and beauty, so it can be devastating to watch it fall out.

Here are several causes for hormonal imbalance hair loss in women:

  • Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
    This is a hormone that your body produces as a byproduct of testosterone. When you have Low Testosterone levels, you also have low DHT, which causes your hair follicles to shrink. When this happens, your hairs stop growing as they usually would and eventually fall out.  Once the hair falls out, it will not grow again without proper treatment. This type of hair loss is called androgenic alopecia, or female-pattern hair loss (FPHL), and is the most severe form of hair loss that causes hair thinning across the entire scalp.
  • Menopause
    During menopause, your body naturally produces less estrogen and progesterone, which can also inhibit DHT production. If you’re genetically sensitive to DHT, you can experience hair thinning. Most women experience hormonal imbalance, hair loss, and menopause between the ages of 50-60. Fortunately, like other female-pattern hair loss, menopausal hair loss is treatable.
  • Hypo- and hyperthyroidism
    The thyroid gland directs your overall metabolism as well as the hormones that stimulate hair growth. Both an under-active and overactive thyroid can trigger hair loss or brittle, weak, and dry hair. If your thyroid isn’t working properly, the hairs you normally lose each day may not be fully replaced with new growth. Thyroid issues can cause hair thinning across the entire scalp, but it can be reversed with proper treatment. If you notice abnormal hair loss, check in with your healthcare provider.

Treatment options for hormonal imbalance hair loss

Like male hair loss, female hair loss is more common with age. Hair loss is gradual and primarily affected by DHT. Getting treatment as soon as you notice hair loss allows you to maintain as much of your hair as possible. Possible treatments include hormone replacement therapy or antiandrogen medications (for those with conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome). If you’re concerned about abnormal hair loss and think it may be hormonal, talk to a healthcare provider at SynergenX sooner rather than later.

SynergenX can help you identify the root cause of your hormonal imbalance, hair loss, and other symptoms. We are also skilled in the most effective treatment options that restore the beauty of your hair—Call 888.219.7259 to talk with a specialist or schedule an appointment today.

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Testosterone treatment is not recommended for people under 24. If you would still like to seek treatment, please call and speak with an associate.
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