SynergenX keeps you up to date on the most current hormone replacement-related discoveries, trends and news with our informative blog.

Why is Hormone Replacement Therapy Used?

With age, both men and women may experience many of the same hormone-related problems. Hormones are messengers that help regulate and coordinate many activities throughout the body like sexual function, metabolism, tissue function, stress responses, mood and sleep.

What is hormone replacement therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy is a medical treatment that helps restore the naturally occurring testosterone levels in men. Testosterone helps maintain healthy levels of red blood cells and bone density in the body. It is also required for male sexual development, reproductive function and muscle building.

Why do men use hormone replacement therapy?

In women, the decline in estrogen levels leads to menopause, something we are more familiar with. However, men can also suffer from low levels of essential hormones. In men, Low Testosterone leads to hypogonadism, a dysfunction of the testicles in which the body is unable to produce the right amount of testosterone. In older men, it is important to determine if Low Testosterone is due to the decline associated with aging or if it is due to hypogonadism, a disease that can affect men throughout their entire lives.

If hypogonadism is the cause of Low Testosterone, many men find relief through hormone replacement therapy.

What are the symptoms of hypogonadism?

In adult males, hypogonadism may affect certain physical characteristics that are uniquely male like:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Infertility
  • Increase in breast tissue
  • Decrease in beard or body hair growth

Hypogonadism may also cause the following mental or emotional changes:

  • Fatigue
  • Hot flashes
  • Decrease in libido
  • Difficulty concentrating

You should continue to feel great as you age. If you or a loved one is suffering from any of the symptoms we’ve outlined above, you may be a candidate for hormone replacement therapy in Texas and Illinois. Call SynergenX at 888-219-7259 and speak to a specialist today.

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