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Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

A hormonal imbalance refers to a rise or drop of hormone levels in the bloodstream. Since these chemical messengers impact your overall health and emotions, even tiny shifts can cause serious side effects.

How do you know if you have a hormone imbalance? It all begins with identifying your signs and symptoms. Have you been feeling off lately? If you’re feeling fatigued, have trouble sleeping, or suffer from anxiety, you might have a hormone imbalance or deficiency.

Understanding hormonal imbalances in women

Some hormonal changes in women are natural, while outside factors and underlying health conditions influence other changes. You’re probably used to the biological changes that occur during your menstrual cycle. If you experience mood or behavioral changes during that time of the month, you’re aware of these symptoms. Or, if you’re in menopause, you might be familiar with some of the common signs and symptoms of hormonal changes.

Along with natural fluctuations, external factors and medical conditions can affect your hormones.

Whether it is stress, poor nutrition or an underlying health condition, hormonal imbalances produce undesired signs and symptoms that can hinder your daily life and wellbeing.

Recognizing symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women is the first step toward seeking treatment and improving your health. Once you identify your symptoms, you can seek the proper blood tests and health exams to determine your underlying causes.

Signs of hormonal imbalance in women

Many women report feeling off or simply not themselves because of hormonal changes in the body.

The most common signs of a hormonal imbalance or deficiency include:

  • Hot flashes/night sweats: If you get bouts of extreme heat during the day or wake up covered in sweat at night, you might be experiencing a hormonal imbalance. Both signs can indicate drops in estrogen levels. Hormonal replacement therapy might help balance your estrogen levels and get rid of hot flashes.
  • Vaginal dryness: Are you experiencing friction during sexual intercourse? This single symptom can lead to other symptoms, including soreness, burning, and pain during sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, vaginal dryness is a common sign of hormone deficiency and happens when the vaginal walls begin to thin and produce less moisture.
  • Reduced sex drive: Hormonal imbalance can cause a loss of libido for women. Changes in your hormone levels during menopause, pregnancy, and breast-feeding can affect your desire for sex. Although sex drive fluctuates over the years, a deficiency causes it to wane before its time.
  • Increased anxiety: Anxiety can make you feel unhealthy. It can rob you from enjoying the moment and lead to other mental health issues. There are many causes of anxiety, including hormonal changes. Fluctuations in both estrogen and testosterone can increase pressure.
  • Trouble sleeping: When it comes to our health and well-being, a good night’s sleep goes a long way. If you’ve been having trouble sleeping or feel sleep-deprived, your hormonal changes might be the culprit. Both spikes and drops of certain hormones can affect your sleep patterns.
  • Hair Loss: Another sign of a hormonal imbalance is hair loss. If you’re losing hair due to a hormonal imbalance, you might notice that your hair is thinning out over time. This type of imbalance might be due to menopause or hormone issues related to your thyroid.

Along with symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women mentioned above, you might experience the following signs of hormonal imbalance: infertility, changes in appetite, a deepened voice, soreness in breasts, weight gain, changes in blood sugar, acne, and bloating.

A Word on Thyroid Health

Imbalances in female hormones such as estrogen are not the only ones that cause symptoms. Many women experience symptoms related to a spike or drop in their thyroid.

If you have an underactive thyroid, you might experience constipation, muscle weakness, joint or muscle pain, a puffy face, or fatigue. On the other hand, women with overactive thyroids might experience weight loss, anxiousness, trouble sleeping, and increased sweating.

Risks of Hormonal Imbalance

Risks associated with hormonal imbalances are often underlying conditions that never get checked or diagnosed because of neglect. When untreated, these symptoms can turn into more significant health problems.

When hormone levels become imbalanced, life can become less than optimal. But it’s possible to restore imbalances with hormone replacement therapy.

At SynergenX, we have a unique approach to hormone replacement therapy for women. We help treat deficiencies in estrogen, testosterone, and others. With an individualized approach that addresses lifestyle and your health history, you can regain your life and feel like yourself again.

We invite you to call 888.219.7259 or complete our online form to learn more about our hormone replacement therapy options.

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Testosterone treatment is not recommended for people under 24. If you would still like to seek treatment, please call and speak with an associate.
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