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How Does Hormone Replacement Therapy Work?

Low T: It’s a thing. In fact, for roughly 5 million American men, a significant decline in testosterone can cause symptoms ranging from low sex drive and memory problems to fatigue and depression. Untreated, low-T can lead to long-term problems that include osteoporosis and muscle atrophy.

How hormone replacement therapy works

When good nutrition, vigorous exercise and sufficient sleep aren’t enough to increase testosterone levels and reverse symptoms, many men consider hormone replacement therapy (HRT). HRT works to raise testosterone levels to within the normal range of 300 and 1,000 ng/dL. HRT is available in several forms:

  • Gel – Topical testosterone gel is easy to administer, effective and generally well tolerated. However, HRT gel requires a daily application and, because it’s on your skin, you can transfer testosterone to others.
  • Injections – Given weekly or bi-weekly in the thigh or the gluteal muscle, injections can be effective while maintaining healthy blood levels. This option can also be more cost-efficient. The slight downside is that some men experience pain at the injection site.
  • Pellets – Time-release pellets are implanted every four months, usually near the hip.

HRT can enhance mood, sleep, libido, energy, bone density, overall health and quality- of-life. It can also increase muscle growth and burn body fat. Many men experience improvements within the first few weeks of HRT, with optimal results often achieved in three to six months.

Medically supervised hormone replacement therapy for Low T

Is HRT right for you? We won’t know until we thoroughly examine you. At SynergenX Health, we don’t make promises without the information to back it up. There is no such thing as one-size-fits-all HRT, and certainly no shortcuts in our personalized, medically supervised care for Low T in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Chicago. From assessing your HRT candidacy to carefully monitoring your progress, we’re in this together. Now, let’s get you back to feeling great.

To schedule an appointment, call toll-free, 888-219-7259 to find the location nearest you, or click here to use our online form.

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