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How to Test for Low T

Sluggishness, low sex drive, weight gain … you may be experiencing some of the symptoms of Low Testosterone (Low T), but is it Low T? How can you know for sure?

Testing for Low T: What it may involve

There are several ways to gauge the levels of your testosterone, so your doctor knows exactly how to restore them back to a normal range:

  • Blood test – This can show your testosterone level. The normal range is 350 ng/dL to 1,000 ng/dL, however, testosterone levels fluctuate throughout the day. They are typically highest in the morning.
  • Physical exam – Your doctor will examine your body for signs of Low Testosterone levels. He or she will:
  • Take note of the amount of body hair you have.
  • Look for lumps in your testes and scrotum.
  • Gauge your peripheral vision (loss of peripheral vision may indicate the presence of a pituitary tumor, which can cause Low Testosterone levels).
  • Medical history – The doctor may review both your medical history, and your family’s. Be ready to talk about your current symptoms in order to give him or her a more complete picture of the effects Low Testosterone is having on you. The doctor may want to know about:
  • Your sex drive
  • If you’ve experienced erectile dysfunction or impotence
  • Any current or past illnesses
  • Any genetic conditions in your family

Accurate Low T testing; expert, effective solutions in Texas and Illinois

Whether your Low T is being fueled by a condition, disease, injury, age, or any other number of causes, the specialists at SynergenX will find it. Our Low T treatment in Texas and Illinois begins with lab tests that inform your treatment and dosage, which is tailored exclusively to your needs. Since testosterone levels rise and fall, we’ll keep testing your testosterone levels, and adjust your treatment as needed. This meticulous, attentive, and personalized approach has helped thousands of men experience positive emotional and physical changes, along with a renewed enthusiasm for life and sense of self.

Don’t wait another minute to make your appointment. Call toll-free, 888-219-7259 to find the locations near you in Dallas (Northpark and McKinney), and Chicago (Burr Ridge), or click here to use our online form.

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